Saturday, June 9, 2012

Meet my unleashed neighbor

It is really very disheartening to disclose this very fact that I have been unable to follow one of the most important commandments of Christianity. This would be that of “Love thy neighbor” because of many reasons. I promise you this is not baseless and I am sure you all will agree with me, if you hear me out, the cause for not able to nurture a virtue like that. At times I feel is it me who has developed this problem of hating my neighbor or is it the person who has pushed me to that corner for such reciprocation. I wonder but if you are interested to know more here is the reason for all this.

I have a nosy neighbor. Let us address her as Mrs. G (as her surname starts with a “G”). Mrs. G can remind anyone that is a live example of neighbors from hell. Now this lady is of the most extraordinary category who staunchly believes that there is nothing called “sense.” As a non believer she has done and would do many things that would make no sense. She has a full-grown dog which happens to act its age in comparison to her.  This is because the dog does not intrude someone’s privacy by reading their mails, eavesdropping and misinterpreting things to the core, and spreading a word. In fact the dog when taken out makes its business and comes home clean. In this case at least this has to be expressed that the dog behaves its age. Have a look at the cute dog. 

These are mere trailers of what my next door neighbor is actually capable of. The worst thing that she did was to bang on her neighbor’s doors and picked up a fight which was a result of her own misunderstanding. Even the caretaker of our apartment is extremely annoyed and irritated with her behavior. If she does not get anyone she would simply invade his privacy by straight away walking into his room without even knocking! His wife is all the more furious with this as she walks into their room at any time of the day at times to start up a conversation. The problem the wife is a working lady and has to manage three kids along with this. Whereas our heroin is a stay at home mom and has nothing to do all day long since her husband lives away from them. It is quite evident that he prefers to see her only on Sundays other than all through the week!

This is the best part that although everyone wants to stay away from her she still would sneak into their houses just to get her daily scoop! I don’t know how her family – two daughters and her husband can tolerate all this. Nonetheless they know they do not have a choice, but don’t we all have one? So here is what I suggest the husband to do is to put a leash around her neck instead of the dog. Don’t you know which one is more dangerous?     

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